
Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Once again, I am sewing along at Project Run and Play.  I have enjoyed the challenges so far.  I like how they push me to grow my sewing ability.  This time the challenge was to use hand stitching in some way.  I chose embroidery. 

My grandma taught me embroidery when I was a preteen, but I haven’t done it since.  I always assumed it was too time consuming.  This month I discovered I was wrong.  Yes, it takes time, but it goes much quicker than I imagined.  It is a lot of fun too!

My sister’s mother-in-law sent me some fabric that she had sitting around from when her boys were small.  I loved the bright vintage cars on the black background and determined to make something out of it for Enoch.  At two years old, he is currently obsessed with anything with wheels and a motor.  His favorite word is caaaaarrrr! He uses this word to mean all vehicles from a motor scooter to a bulldozer.  Enoch saw the fabric and fell in love.  He played with it for a long time and would hardly let me take it away.  I knew we had to use it soon. 

I didn’t want to make clothing out of it for two reasons.  For the first, it’s quilting cotton and I knew it wouldn’t hold up to little boy play very well.  More importantly however, I wanted to make something that he would keep for a long time, not a pair of shorts or a shirt to be quickly outgrown.  I have been wanting to make him a backpack for a while so that’s what we went with.

I traced some of the vehicles from the fabric with a pen on to a scrap of cream fabric.  I then stitched around it with black.  I will definitely be doing something like this again. 

He still loves the fabric.  Caaarrrs!